Monday, November 21, 2005 a warm piece of pizza

seth annoys the hell out of me

before i post what i wanted to, i just want to say that i have been listening to the white album a few times a day for a few weeks now. it's great. seth, however, refuses to like the beatles and went as far as asking when Jay-z's part was. what a fucker. ok.

i bought, in the cellar, a box of kellogs special K w/ red berries. it's great. and on the back there is an offer for a FREE promise wristband, to promote breast cancer awareness. now i like boobs as much as the next guy, so i thought hmm, interesting, and decided to keep reading. however, it's only FREE w/ a donation of at least $5. I kid you not, let me quote it exactly..."free with a minumum $5 donation"

WTF? That sounds like a $5 wrist band to me. However, boobs are definitely worth it (but i still did not buy it).

Monday, November 07, 2005

Get raw fish or die trying

For those of you who know me the fact that I don't eat vegetables is often discussed and debated. Why? Since when? Have you tried X? you'd love it! Well somehow this weekend I ate sushi. I had stinking tuna sushi and I liked it. But get this- I also ate eel wrapped in seaweed...but I still request that my housemates make dishes without onions.

I also ate fish eggs.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Its good to have goals

I want to graduate at 6 feet, 200 lbs. I am right now 5-11.5 and 190. If i make it to 200 lbs (of good weight) then I'll lie and say i'm 6 feet. Also, read this gem.

Charles, to no one in particular: "Seth is a firefighter, why does he have to watch tv shows of fire fighters? I dont watch shows of people going to school...well except for Tommy Lee".

Charles, you are 1/2 man, 1/2 amazing. And all AZN.