Tuesday, August 16, 2005


So I'm getting ready to take my DAT test...and I'm thinking...why not listen to Lose Yourself? I mean, if that song can't get me pumped up and ready to dominate I dont think anything can. Look,

Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted-One moment
Would you capture it or just let it slip?

How does that not get your fucking blood pumping and your heart racing? I don't think he's actually white- he's WAY too good.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Different strokes for different folks

Today was I enlightened. Like when you think you know something only to realize you don't know shit- about life or yourself. That was today. I learned I dont like the way I react to certain situations or certain pieces of information. I don't think I can change how i am- for one reason or another I reacted how I did for a reason- it was the truth about how I felt. I can't change how I feel, but I can change how I acted, how i expressed my feelings and how I can get over them. I need to work on that.

on a more differenter note, i just saw a picture of this girl online w/ balloons for breasts. and a nice ass. what a way to say goodnight.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Watch me as I gravitate

I am in trouble. See, I used to be a compulsive shopper but then somehow I stopped. I dont know how. Well as unusual as my stopping was it has started again and in the past 2 days I have recorded over $100 in sales online for stuff i dont need or even want. I am obviously distrait because this may signal my demise once school starts and I have even more time to search the web for contraptions that turn a sink into a drinking fountain and a putter that really CAN lower my score by 10 strokes.

Oh, and once i have more time these boring entries will again be transformed into the compelling force they once were.