Monday, December 26, 2005

It's ok, I updated my blog!

So we're indulging in 22 oz steaks and homemade creme brule last night with some friends. One of the kids my age is a senior at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore. Apparently there the street thugs have started...this is awesome...stealing the street lamps/lights so it's darker at night and they are able to commit more crimes, pilfer more people and murder more muggles. This is simply amazing for a couple of reasons. First, how do you steal a street lamp? I guess if you're a well developed street thug with a posse the likes of which have never been seen (like me) no one is going to stop you but come on, someone must call the cops or something, right? Secondly, the street lamps are reportedly being sold for scrap metal to junkyards. How awesome is that? These bullies steal the lights so they can commit more crimes and in the process sell the lights for a few bucks to some shady junkyard dog. Wow. Holla.

This just points out how smart the Tacoma city people are- why install street lights if they're going to be stolen? Let's just save them the trouble and keep it dark all the time, so that raping, pilfering and assaulting are the NORM rather than a new, dangerous problem for the incompetent city people to deal with. The blanket of darkness makes it impossible to identify and apprehend if they ever do we'll know how lucky they got. I personally know campus security could take care of it, I mean, every time i've been drinking under age, smoking in the dorm...breaking into buildings...climbing cranes...they've been right there to apprehend me. So yes, I know they have the resources and abilities to combat these vicious villains. But all things considered, underage drinking ruins lives. Rock on Tacoma.


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