Monday, February 21, 2005

How do we know anything?

I sit here studying for a genetics exam and I realize that I should never complain about this type of thing (sitting here and studying genetics). See, at one point in time people had no idea what genetics is/was/why they kept having colorblind babies. But over about 100 years Mendel did some pea stuff, Thomas Hunt Morgan did some fly stuff and Watson and Crick did some DNA stuff and wala! Now you can abort your babies time and time again until the doctor says they have the genetic code to be 6'8'' and good at basketball. Lord knows the US of A could use some new players so we don't get our asses kicked again the next time we have to play the powerhouse known as Puerto Rico. Anyway, my point is that I have to read 20 pages of a text book. Yikes! But those guys had to WRITE the text book. They spent years in lab watching flies do it. Just for me, so that my life would be better. And is it? If it weren't for them we wouldn't know a thing about genetics...but then I'd never have to think about it or study it...would that make my life easier? Or just emptier? If I didn't have to take calculus because Newton hadn't invented it yet. If I didn't have to read, since we didn't have an alphabet. If I didn't have to talk, since we didn't have a spoken language. If instead of going to the sub I ate what I killed. And I had to drag it home since I didn't even have a wheel to roll it on. Man, I want a time machine. And a dinosaur as a pet.


At 9:10 PM, Blogger Rog said...

You keep posting and I'll keep reading. I like the thought process that you just wrote in this post, and the happy post that was the last one. You're a good guy, Drew is a good guy, and I'm glad that y'all are roomies at SNU. Peace

At 11:16 PM, Blogger ro said...

In my 4 years of school eidsness, I've discovered the misplaced importance of actual textbook readings. They are long, way too much detail, and are unnecessary. My advice: don't open your textbook again, simply map out and memorize your notes. The rest of your blog is quite nice though. I enjoyed it.

At 11:35 PM, Blogger Zack said...

I'd nominate this intricately woven post for "Intricately woven post of the month"; however, said award does not currently exist.

At 2:49 PM, Blogger ro said...

I disagree with michael rienburg. I hate the mere notion of regression. It's stupid. If you want to try to live like pre-historical primates, then go spend a winter in the fucking forest. See how much you enjoy eating frozen plant roots and dirty shit-eating bugs. You're not going to have a pet dino, you're going to have 2,000 tiny new pets residing in your hair that chew your skin to a pock-ridden itch-farm. Humans have essentially stopped evolving, but we are simply at the beginning of our natural progression through social and technological evolution. We have evolved so that we don't have live an instinct based life. We have the ability to learn and transmit that knowledge to future generations. And, if you are still reading this, I'm impressed at how bored you must be. In conclusion, the vikings kicked ass.


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