Yo, check it. Summer is a time to kick back and relax, I agree. However without a schedule nothing would get done. I've always been a firm believer in setting up my days/weeks in advance so I get everything done with ample time to do spontaneous things I didnt know existed at the time of list formation. What follows here in it's origial published form ismy daily schedule for summer. Consider it a map through the winding twisting cyberworld you'll be chronicaling here.
Monday: Work @ 5, lift weights @10
Tuesday: shadow dentist @ 9, Class @ 6, lift weights @ 10
Wendesday: Work @3
Thursday: Class @ 6, lift weights at 10
Friday: Work @11, lift weights @ 2
Weekends consist of very little work, lots of travel and maybe something interesting to write about.
Tonight a friend of mine returned from Israel where he had been studying abroad/avoiding bullets the best he could. It was good to see him home- why anyone would intentionally travel to one of the most dangerous places (in my opinion, although we'll say it's factual as well) is beyond me. Good to have Glotter back in SLP.
That is all for now. If you have a blog, prepare for me to read it, comment on it, and re-introduce you to the one and only...kyle v2.0
This ain't no motherfucking remix, this is the real deal.
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