This is food for thought- you do the dishes
It's so good to be back here, rapping at ya. It's been a while, as we both know. I'm trying to avoid just listing what I did each day because
1. A lot of it is boring or repetitive
2. Some of it could contain explicit content
3. I often times regret doing it and writing about it only makes that worse
However, each and everyday is great and super sleuth Kyle McEidsness is always able to find a few good things about the day. But I digress into a story from a land far far away in a time long ago- St Louis Park High School, senior year ('01-02). There was this one cat who had particular difficulties communicating due to his auditory deficiencies...I shall call him Joel. Well Joel would often participate in our thrice daily games of hearts ( for despite Joel's plethora of knowledge he could not play spades...perhaps because communication was involved?) Every time something happened...a card was played, some took the Queen, the cards were dealt, Joel would erupt with, "That's SO uncanny", his apparent excitement derived from the fact that in the last game someone had taken the Queen, or delt the cards! Ludicrous! Thus, whenever I hear the word uncanny, images of Joel flash through my head like like drugs through Robert Downy Jr.
I heard someone say uncanny yesterday.
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